Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Retro Decoration

When first deciding on buying retro furniture, it is useful to know a few of the better manufacturers and designers from the period. This has been made slightly harder by the fact that an item of furniture called “retro” can come from the 1950’s through to current production items.

Once you have decided on a particular theme i.e. chromed items with glass (that can be either clear or tinted), sticking to that style lends itself to modern house or flat design. Options of various wood veneers were available as an alternative to glass offering a warmer feel and variety. The most commonly used veneer from the 50’s, 60’s or 70’s was rosewood and this was used by two of the best British manufacturers of the era. They were Merrow Associates and Pieff. Both companies produced items of the highest quality and style. Recognizing these pieces is not always easy due to the fact that Merrow rarely labeled their furniture whereas, fortunately, Pieff did.

Condition is an important factor when buying an item as chips to glass, chrome work that is pitted or flaking or veneers peeling or missing can be expensive to rectify.

Quality leathers were also used by Merrow and Pieff offering an even wider range to choose from. There were many other designers who are now widely collected and two of the leading designers were Robin Day and Ernest Race. They both produced a vast variety of items many of which have become design icons such as the Ernest Race “Heron” chair which had bolt-on legs with a fabric covered seat. Robin Day produced a huge range which included the use of molded plastic seating.

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